Friday, January 26, 2007

The path is set...

I have had a very interesting few months...

Back in December I had an oracle card reading done for me as a forecast for the upcoming year, the card I got for January was "Transformation." It seems a very apt description for how this month has gone. I feel my thoughts being transformed into action, a gearing up for what I need to do.

I am very blessed to be surrounded by people who will help me on my new path, encourage me, teach me, motivate me. I have felt very confined for the past couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of respect for the teachers that have come and gone in my life, but there is definitely a reason that they are gone.

I feel very free now, which I think is the reason that this path has presented itself.

The path that I am on is leading me to eventually be a priestess of Brigid and Belanos, two Celtic solar deities (I promise I will write more about their aspects later). I feel that there is a third that binds them, one that oversees all. I think that the third is Griana, another anicent Celtic solar deity. She was literally seen as the sun, Brigid is the burning flame, Belanos is the light... in a kind of holy trinity of fire.

I think that I felt confused about my path for such a long time because most pagans focus on the moon... this was never my path. I am very solar oriented, I live in the light and that is where I flourish. I don't called to the dark, to magick.... I feel called to the light and its healing aspects, and so that is where I am heading.

Anyway, that's enough for now because I am baking muffins to surprise my sweetie with breakfast in bed tomorrow morning, since I'm sure he'll be all hung over and cranky from a night out with the boys.

Sweet dreams....

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